Friday, October 19, 2012

Paul Ryan and His Left-Handed Irishmen

It was refreshing to finally hear Paul Ryan say something truthful.

At a recent Naples fundraiser, the brain trust of the GOP told his acolytes that “Now it’s a war on women; tomorrow it’s going to be a war on left-handed Irishmen or something like that,”
Mr. Ryan, I appreciate that you recognize that the extreme conservatives has made it their business to systematically attack women's rights to vote, their right to control their own bodies, to deny them protection against physical and sexual violence and the right to fair pay. I appreciate that you understand that when you attack a group physically, legislatively, and economically, that yes, you have declared war on that group.  I'm glad that you acknowledge members of the GOP leadership have attempted to suggest that women are not merely less than men but not even human, in an attempt to excuse the Party's treatment of them.

Yes, there is a war on women, a war being waged by the conservatives.  But, here's the flaw in Paul Ryan's logic:

We women are full fledged citizens with the same rights as our male counterparts.  We have the same right to full control over our own bodies and private medical decisions as men do. We are not chattel whose reproductive decisions are handed off from relatives, spouses, employers or even rapists. Women have the right to equal protection from physical and sexual assault as any male citizen.  Our gender should have no effect on our having the right to have the same pay for the same work and same seniority. We women have the constitutional right to have a say in our representation which the conservatives do not have the authority to strip away.
And since, according to the 2011 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as of 2009, there are, in fact, 307 million citizens of this country who are women, we are not, as Ryan would suggest, a rarity living outside of this country.  We are the majority and we most definitely live in this country.

Thus, treating us with anything less than full respect at any time but especially at election time and expecting it to be beneficial to your political career is as counting on winning the American election based on the votes of left-handed Irishmen.

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